it begins.
a week of hell.
hope evrythin goes smoothly.
insya Allah.
pray to God.
i try my best,
the rest is up to Him.
saya ada sebuah kamera berwarna merah. namanya blackbird, fly. dan ianya sebuah kamera TLR.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
mentally disturbed.
honestly speaking,
ak x berada dlm keadaan yg baek in dis couple of weeks.
smpykn ad satu ari yg ak duk diam jep dlm klas to the point where my english teacher was puzzled at my silence dat day.
felt lyke my head is being spun round and round and round
jumbled up everythin inside it
like a big boggle dat i used to play at skool back in the days
it's odd.
VERY odd.
how can u feel happy and at the same time, feel a huge amount of guilt being put upon ur shoulders?
could there be a situation where one understands too much that it makes him/her unable to produce the same understanding for other things afterwards?
i often shudder deep down inside from the sight
my awkwardness
my averageness
my weakness
my gullibility
my ignorance.
ak x berada dlm keadaan yg baek in dis couple of weeks.
smpykn ad satu ari yg ak duk diam jep dlm klas to the point where my english teacher was puzzled at my silence dat day.
felt lyke my head is being spun round and round and round
jumbled up everythin inside it
like a big boggle dat i used to play at skool back in the days
it's odd.
VERY odd.
how can u feel happy and at the same time, feel a huge amount of guilt being put upon ur shoulders?
could there be a situation where one understands too much that it makes him/her unable to produce the same understanding for other things afterwards?
i often shudder deep down inside from the sight
my awkwardness
my averageness
my weakness
my gullibility
my ignorance.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
so far...
been ere for about almost half a year.
seems like a short stint but lots hav happened.
saw engraved smiles on the happy faces,
saw some shed tears,
even the occasional shouting and hysterical laughters.
made frens,
it was a lot different to what i've had expected before.
what matters most was the IB stuffs eventho we tend to whine bout em
friends mean a lot more than just ones that we spend time the most wif.
lab reports,
group presentation,
math exercise,
and absolutely assignments.
*in a state of mental disorder*
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
from sumthing i've seen recently,
the complexity of my mind seemed too interpret life as another toy store that we used to visit during our childhood days.
once we entered the store, we would see other kids with toys that we've never had before and we would see their faces engraved with smiles that we would interpret as the fulfilment of joy and happiness.
having to have seen that, we would like to want to have the same thing as the other kids do eventhough we know that it would mislead us from other priorities like school.but still, we would strive and thrive to get the desired toy by any means necessary.
the complexity of my mind seemed too interpret life as another toy store that we used to visit during our childhood days.
once we entered the store, we would see other kids with toys that we've never had before and we would see their faces engraved with smiles that we would interpret as the fulfilment of joy and happiness.
having to have seen that, we would like to want to have the same thing as the other kids do eventhough we know that it would mislead us from other priorities like school.but still, we would strive and thrive to get the desired toy by any means necessary.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
in the midst of festivities.
pegi blog nie, cite psl cuti.

ziarah blog tu, story sal cuti raye.
singgah blog nun, die nk bju raye.
all round sume dh xcited psl holz nie
esp. dak2 kolej and skool kids
dpt melepaskan tensi mereka yg tlah di-accumulated
tatkala menghadiri sesi2 akademik mahupun xtvt koQ.
pd mse nielah kite2 nie nk chill,
lpak or hang out wif family & frens b4 cramming blk for our precious studies.
bgi kmbians,
nie r mse nk wat external cas bg mereka yg rajen.
well, the others may stay at home,
tlg wat kuih/msk/shopping or wat assgnment(hahaha~as if! XP)
tp ap yg penting,
musim raye yg menjelang nie haruslah diamati se-dlm2-nyer
atas ape yg kite2 dh wat slame sebulan berpose di bulan Ramadan alMubarak nie.
sume sendiri pkir rsbb sume dh pndy, kn? :)
slamat menyambut hari raye and bgi yg knal ak
secare personally
thru phone jep
thru da Internet,
mahu ku mintak maap awal2 dlu kalo ad wat sala kt korg.
0-0 k! XD

*post menyusul*
Monday, August 31, 2009
goin back ALREADI??
let see wat i hav done so far.
kuatkn smgt...chaiyok2!
-presentation agama (x sentuh pn)
-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire (oke)
-bio notes (oke)
-chem handbook calculations (40%)
-ITGS assgnment (70%)
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo (79%)
-bio DCP handbook (50%)
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE (70%)
-TOK (read) (oke..mayb.)
-english essay (oke)
mcm ley catchup.-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire (oke)
-bio notes (oke)
-chem handbook calculations (40%)
-ITGS assgnment (70%)
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo (79%)
-bio DCP handbook (50%)
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE (70%)
-TOK (read) (oke..mayb.)
-english essay (oke)
kuatkn smgt...chaiyok2!
Friday, August 28, 2009
dare no tame ni ikite iru no?
as i go thru lyfe,
things always turned out
quite da opposite
of wat i had expected.
when i expected x/y=1
there was an exception
for the value of y mustn't be 0
if dat happens,
the equation wuldn't exist.
when one mole of akal is used to neutralise one mole of hati
the product shuld be one mole of belief and one mole of pure trust.
when one mole of akal tries to neutralise three mole of hati
the product wuld turn out very, very different from before.
there's a saying,
"life's too short to be anything but happy"
that depends.
i feel dat da whole world juz crumbled down upon me.
but then again,
i'm 18
god's willing that i'm still living until today.
typing this lousy post.
god always shows dat He never leaves us alone.
why do we always leave Him?
we noe dat it's wrong.
but still.
we kept on doin da same thing all over again.
da same freakin routine without knowing
wat consequences dat we are goin to face ahead
on our nearly-ending journey of lyfe.
giv me space
giv me guidance
giv me ur help
giv me ur wisdom
giv me anything
i BEG u.
save me.
i'm maybe juz lyke u guys
but totally different.
bring me bck to the RIGHT path.
things always turned out
quite da opposite
of wat i had expected.
when i expected x/y=1
there was an exception
for the value of y mustn't be 0
if dat happens,
the equation wuldn't exist.
when one mole of akal is used to neutralise one mole of hati
the product shuld be one mole of belief and one mole of pure trust.
when one mole of akal tries to neutralise three mole of hati
the product wuld turn out very, very different from before.
there's a saying,
"life's too short to be anything but happy"
that depends.
i feel dat da whole world juz crumbled down upon me.
but then again,
i'm 18
god's willing that i'm still living until today.
typing this lousy post.
god always shows dat He never leaves us alone.
why do we always leave Him?
we noe dat it's wrong.
but still.
we kept on doin da same thing all over again.
da same freakin routine without knowing
wat consequences dat we are goin to face ahead
on our nearly-ending journey of lyfe.
giv me space
giv me guidance
giv me ur help
giv me ur wisdom
giv me anything
i BEG u.
save me.
i'm maybe juz lyke u guys
but totally different.
bring me bck to the RIGHT path.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
berbuka di sunway pyramid on 1st Ramadhan.
sabtu yg lpas.
kami2, ahli batch Experiment 5
tlah membwat satu gathering kecik
bg berjmpe sesame2 student2 yg sdg di kolej skang nie
among yg datang adalah:
sdg ktorg jln2 kt sunway n' berpk sal mne r nk berbuke tue
dtg lgi 3 org experiment5-ers iaitu

ktorg p bowling, pusing2 sunway.
and then g berbuke kt mcd jep
hahaha :))
cm lwk pn ad gk.
plan cm mntp je nk berbuke kt mne ntah.
ak lyn je~ XD

pas berbuke ktorg p solat+terawih
then beli tket wayang at bout midnight gk r
the ned was ktorg g apartment dak2 JAD yakni ciko ngn nyai
to spend da nyte.

sok pgi nyer bru blk~
seyes x bohong~
kalo buley, nk pegi lg.jmpe dak2 nie, update status dorg.
btw udeen fly dlm mse terdkat nie ke russia.
so, gewd luck k!
sabtu yg lpas.
kami2, ahli batch Experiment 5
tlah membwat satu gathering kecik
bg berjmpe sesame2 student2 yg sdg di kolej skang nie
among yg datang adalah:
sdg ktorg jln2 kt sunway n' berpk sal mne r nk berbuke tue
dtg lgi 3 org experiment5-ers iaitu
ktorg p bowling, pusing2 sunway.
and then g berbuke kt mcd jep
hahaha :))
cm lwk pn ad gk.
plan cm mntp je nk berbuke kt mne ntah.
ak lyn je~ XD
pas berbuke ktorg p solat+terawih
then beli tket wayang at bout midnight gk r
the ned was ktorg g apartment dak2 JAD yakni ciko ngn nyai
to spend da nyte.
sok pgi nyer bru blk~
seyes x bohong~
kalo buley, nk pegi lg.jmpe dak2 nie, update status dorg.
btw udeen fly dlm mse terdkat nie ke russia.
so, gewd luck k!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
hey moon, please forget to fall down.
di cnie ingin ak nyatakan yg ak sdg "SERONOK" berlepak2 di rumah. hal ini demikian adalah kerana ak sdg cuti mid-sem aka cuti awal Ramadan. sbg dak IB xpn any bdak kolej/skola, hwk yg bnyk tlah berjaye dicompilekn oleh ckgu2 kami yg penyayang utk mengelak kami2 ini dri melupakan kolej kami yg tercinta. yg tersebbut tu x masuk skali kalo anda ad keje2 yg tertunggak n' postpone yg hnya akn membuatkn anda rse nk ketuk kpala kt dinding smpy kpala anda mengeluarkn bendalir2 likat yg berwarna putih diiringi dgn aliran erythrocytes yg deras. dan seperti yg korg sume dh agk/lalui/taw, ak x wat pape, bukn. ak ad r sentuh sket. AT LEAST sentuh sket.nk siap tu, tggu habes sem r kowt bru siap.hahahaha XD
da last couple f weeks has been quite......normal mayb
as i go about my normal routine of lyfe in kmb.
nuthin special/unique/bizarre happened.
bosan gk actuali.
but being there...x buhsan kowt
bile being in company of a few more outrageous personas
lyke hauzan, pak abu n' the others.
kalo anda x mampu menangani mereka2 nie,
maka anda x lyk duk kt klas m09t yg gile.
seyesly.and i RELI mean it.
we tend to do things in a very....different way
compared other classes.
dun' believe me?
ask da teachers themselves~
they'll agree...well,mayb~
hahaha XD
so far.
kt KMB,
we've alredi had
-merdeka celebrations
(my frens participated in one of da competitions and won. lol XP )
-UNIfair by overseas students which helped us in sum ways
-graduation for our xcellent super seniors
but now for da upcoming weeks.
-sports carnival (sumhw mengingatkn ak kt KOT sains johor dlu2~)
-KASUKMA (sadly basketbal xde.wat a bummer~ T_T )
-merdeka celebration 4 KM/KPM in KMB (nk volunteer x?kalo volunteer, kne potong cuti.
snggupkh anda? haha XP)
-and stuffs to fill da Ramadhan months (ye r, xkn nk duduk2 je bulan pose nie, kne xtive sket~)
and not ot 4get,
sdg kite2 nie ad klas,
akn bermule acara pencalonan
utk pilihanraya MPP KMB.
wahahaha.musti best t tgk dak2 nie berkempen+bwat pakatan rakyat.
lol XD
wif dat.
ak chow lu.

-presentation agama
-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire
-bio notes
-chem handbook calculations
-ITGS assgnment
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo
-bio DCP handbook
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE
-TOK (read)
-english essay
-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire
-bio notes
-chem handbook calculations
-ITGS assgnment
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo
-bio DCP handbook
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE
-TOK (read)
-english essay
da last couple f weeks has been quite......normal mayb
as i go about my normal routine of lyfe in kmb.
nuthin special/unique/bizarre happened.
bosan gk actuali.
but being there...x buhsan kowt
bile being in company of a few more outrageous personas
lyke hauzan, pak abu n' the others.
kalo anda x mampu menangani mereka2 nie,
maka anda x lyk duk kt klas m09t yg gile.
seyesly.and i RELI mean it.
we tend to do things in a very....different way
compared other classes.
dun' believe me?
ask da teachers themselves~
they'll agree...well,mayb~
hahaha XD
so far.
kt KMB,
we've alredi had
-merdeka celebrations
(my frens participated in one of da competitions and won. lol XP )
-UNIfair by overseas students which helped us in sum ways
-graduation for our xcellent super seniors
but now for da upcoming weeks.
-sports carnival (sumhw mengingatkn ak kt KOT sains johor dlu2~)
-KASUKMA (sadly basketbal xde.wat a bummer~ T_T )
-merdeka celebration 4 KM/KPM in KMB (nk volunteer x?kalo volunteer, kne potong cuti.
snggupkh anda? haha XP)
-and stuffs to fill da Ramadhan months (ye r, xkn nk duduk2 je bulan pose nie, kne xtive sket~)
and not ot 4get,
sdg kite2 nie ad klas,
akn bermule acara pencalonan
utk pilihanraya MPP KMB.
wahahaha.musti best t tgk dak2 nie berkempen+bwat pakatan rakyat.
lol XD
wif dat.
ak chow lu.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
testing a new environment.
take a look.
wana comment, plis do so.
sumthing to be posted in da nxt few days.
wait for only those read.
wana comment, plis do so.
sumthing to be posted in da nxt few days.
wait for only those read.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
salam meine freund~
aka bwat kali ke-2 tlh berjaye smpy ke umh dri kmb
hampir beberapa mggu deprived of internet kt sne
fyi, sne ad tenet, juz ak xde lappy je nk g access.
ak juz ad desktop je kt bilik
to sum up wat i've bin thru fer da last couple of weeks,
ak msuk KMB,
wat IB diploma for 2 years,
duk dlm bilik 2 org,
idup ala2 hostel smule,
amek klas medic + ITGS,
klas ak 6 girls and 17 boys kalo x silap
bru je pas abes English Carnival kt KMS,
idup cm smule blk,
homework( @ dlm bhse modennyer, ASSIGNMENT) berlambak thp gaban,
sbb ak still mls cm dlu, (nk wat cne kn~)
dat's it.
tmbh sket ag.
satu2nyer klas ITGS medic
yakni klas ak ialah M09T
ak duk blok C(215)
so far xbnyk nk komplen
bnyk komplen lgi wat ak saket ati.
IB oh IB
the harsh reality.
45 = hello world!
<35 = bye2 airflight~
CAS = ke-tak-ekhlas-an wat keje2 sukarela..??
Lab report = ke-pening-an melampau..??
Pure Math = SURD my brain..??
for more pics,
l8r r.
pics sume tggl kt kmb.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
days are starting. (craps)
dpt gk ngan x malunyer ak pnjam lappy membe 4 posting this frigging entry.
ak skang kt KMB, taking IB.
nk taw lgi bnyk.
l8r r~
dpt gk ngan x malunyer ak pnjam lappy membe 4 posting this frigging entry.
ak skang kt KMB, taking IB.
nk taw lgi bnyk.
l8r r~
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
30 seconds before KMB.
in a few moments moer,
i'll be taking off from home to the dreaded kmb.
rse cm dh siap kmas,
tp stil ad feeling yg sumthing's missing.
x gheti ak nk ckp cmne~
thnx to bloggers yg membace selame nie,
(walopn ak rse cm xde je~)
to ainaa emira,
thnx 4 da wish.
reli appreciate it~
dh r xde pc t kt sne.
redha, redha asyraf oi~
bukn pnting pn.
think da big picture.
k r.
ak nk chow.
in a few moments moer,
i'll be taking off from home to the dreaded kmb.
rse cm dh siap kmas,
tp stil ad feeling yg sumthing's missing.
x gheti ak nk ckp cmne~
thnx to bloggers yg membace selame nie,
(walopn ak rse cm xde je~)
to ainaa emira,
thnx 4 da wish.
reli appreciate it~
dh r xde pc t kt sne.
redha, redha asyraf oi~
bukn pnting pn.
think da big picture.
k r.
ak nk chow.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
chocolate anyone?
doin da same thing all over again
day after day.
nex week will be differeent.
a whole LOT different.
y even bother reading if it doesn't matter anyway~
day after day.
nex week will be differeent.
a whole LOT different.
y even bother reading if it doesn't matter anyway~
Saturday, June 13, 2009
tag oleh hamba Allah-ainna.
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
leave her behind.x sanggup nk bunuh2 org nie cm ko, ainna.haha :))
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
idop sng, hav my own family and ley jge parents ak(ey jap2.tu kire satu ke tiga?ahh.ske ak r :P)
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
hahahaha.ak taw nk butt-kick classified.muahahaha :))
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
bayar utang mk bpk.smbung studies.g beli brg2 pasar kt overc.g haji.wat company sendri.etc.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
ntah.come to think of it, i'm not even sure whether i even HAVE a besfren~hmm...
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved.definitely.
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
ntah.xpenah nk wait2 nie.xde someone pn.juz tggu jodoh di tgn Allah.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
bior r.xde kne mngena ngn ak.even hepy for her. :D
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
hoho.actress n' actor.NOT my gf cuz ak sure musti buruk gye die berlakon~hahaha :))
10. What takes you down the fastest?
when loneliness strikes which happens quite often.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
hmmm...havin a clinic wif another doct and working as a apecialist.MAYB.
12. What’s your fear?
myself.and GOD.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
hmm..kaye2 pn kalo x eppy watpe? nnt org dkat pn kdg2 for our wealth.not eppy.
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
bukak mata,tgk dh terang ke blum.kalo stil dim lgi chye matahari tue, tdo blk.
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
NO.unless bile ak dh kawen.
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
cm impossible jek.nie worst case scenario nie~
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
yup.kne engt.ak ske engt org wat jahat kt ak.
19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
single.cuz i'm afraid dat my partner will easily get bored of me.haha.lame.
20.List 6 people to tag :
no one.
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
leave her behind.x sanggup nk bunuh2 org nie cm ko, ainna.haha :))
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
idop sng, hav my own family and ley jge parents ak(ey jap2.tu kire satu ke tiga?ahh.ske ak r :P)
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
hahahaha.ak taw nk butt-kick classified.muahahaha :))
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
bayar utang mk bpk.smbung studies.g beli brg2 pasar kt overc.g haji.wat company sendri.etc.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
ntah.come to think of it, i'm not even sure whether i even HAVE a besfren~hmm...
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved.definitely.
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
ntah.xpenah nk wait2 nie.xde someone pn.juz tggu jodoh di tgn Allah.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
bior r.xde kne mngena ngn ak.even hepy for her. :D
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
hoho.actress n' actor.NOT my gf cuz ak sure musti buruk gye die berlakon~hahaha :))
10. What takes you down the fastest?
when loneliness strikes which happens quite often.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
hmmm...havin a clinic wif another doct and working as a apecialist.MAYB.
12. What’s your fear?
myself.and GOD.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
hmm..kaye2 pn kalo x eppy watpe? nnt org dkat pn kdg2 for our wealth.not eppy.
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
bukak mata,tgk dh terang ke blum.kalo stil dim lgi chye matahari tue, tdo blk.
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
NO.unless bile ak dh kawen.
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
cm impossible jek.nie worst case scenario nie~
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
yup.kne engt.ak ske engt org wat jahat kt ak.
19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
single.cuz i'm afraid dat my partner will easily get bored of me.haha.lame.
20.List 6 people to tag :
no one.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
i'm a noob.
i know.
it tends to makes me feel highly incompetent in anything.
it seems dat evry single day i go thru
i face lots and lots of encounters in new territories.
why does it hav to be now dat i learn dat lyfe is really very complicated.
it always takes me by suprise.
caring is gud, but most of da tymes....a really bad idea?
being eppy is gud, but why ppl are often in gloomy moods?
having tyme to sit back and relax is gud, but too much of rest juz makes u want to kill urself?
y do i even care?
hw in da world dat i even got involved?
will i ever be able to cope wif any of this?
"if you want to save a life, be prepared to take one in your hands." - nuthead.
i'm a noob.
i know.
it tends to makes me feel highly incompetent in anything.
it seems dat evry single day i go thru
i face lots and lots of encounters in new territories.
why does it hav to be now dat i learn dat lyfe is really very complicated.
it always takes me by suprise.
caring is gud, but most of da tymes....a really bad idea?
being eppy is gud, but why ppl are often in gloomy moods?
having tyme to sit back and relax is gud, but too much of rest juz makes u want to kill urself?
y do i even care?
hw in da world dat i even got involved?
will i ever be able to cope wif any of this?
"if you want to save a life, be prepared to take one in your hands." - nuthead.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
penah x?
penah x korg trase
mayb around korg ad ppl
empty inside.
being left out.
being ignored.
all alone.
"your entire life has been a mathematical error...a mathematical error i'm about to correct!"
mayb around korg ad ppl
empty inside.
being left out.
being ignored.
all alone.
"your entire life has been a mathematical error...a mathematical error i'm about to correct!"
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
cuba mencari logika di sebalik kecelaruan di balik ruangan minda
last nyte,
borak2 ngn syud b4 tdo.
xley blah,
bile ie ckp
mk bpk die dh knal ak nie.
bnyk mulut tol r mak yam nie~

ptt r die ckp,
bile ak nk ajak die g jejln,
mak die musti trus kasik compared kalo org len yg ajak.
siap kne soal-siasat ag psl mamat2 yg len tu~
lwk giler.
berbaki beberapa hengget je dlm phone ak tu,
ak t'pk nk kol si ainna emira yg bru ku knal di dunia cyber ni~
agak menarik.
ku ingtkn suara ko lbey....
G.A.N.A.S maybe?
sowi ainna if ur reading dis.
still smpy skang xley blah.
kiut gler sore ko~

terkejot gk ak~

sbb ingtkn ur character nie gns2 + gler koya
thnx r ea sbb menjwb phone call memlm bute tue.

today was a LOT different.
sumhow sum1 seemed to b very2 pissed off.
ak bukn mara or anything,
jgn wat ak ttbe jdik blur + blank + pening2
sume2 tu ley wat otak ak saket taw.
xmo ckp ngn ak xpe.
but still,
consider r ak nie human.
ak bukn robot okaay~
ak still ad hati n perasaan.
salah ke?
to her,
i'm so, so very SORRY.

td ad award.
thnx missXOXO a.k.a makcik Nurul~

borak2 ngn syud b4 tdo.
xley blah,
bile ie ckp
mk bpk die dh knal ak nie.
bnyk mulut tol r mak yam nie~
ptt r die ckp,
bile ak nk ajak die g jejln,
mak die musti trus kasik compared kalo org len yg ajak.
siap kne soal-siasat ag psl mamat2 yg len tu~
lwk giler.
berbaki beberapa hengget je dlm phone ak tu,
ak t'pk nk kol si ainna emira yg bru ku knal di dunia cyber ni~
agak menarik.
ku ingtkn suara ko lbey....
G.A.N.A.S maybe?
sowi ainna if ur reading dis.
still smpy skang xley blah.
kiut gler sore ko~
terkejot gk ak~
sbb ingtkn ur character nie gns2 + gler koya
thnx r ea sbb menjwb phone call memlm bute tue.
today was a LOT different.
sumhow sum1 seemed to b very2 pissed off.
ak bukn mara or anything,
jgn wat ak ttbe jdik blur + blank + pening2
sume2 tu ley wat otak ak saket taw.
xmo ckp ngn ak xpe.
but still,
consider r ak nie human.
ak bukn robot okaay~
ak still ad hati n perasaan.
salah ke?
to her,
i'm so, so very SORRY.
td ad award.
thnx missXOXO a.k.a makcik Nurul~

Monday, May 25, 2009
- - (xtaw nk taruk title pe)
18 mei 2009-Isnin
pada ari nie, ad sambutan ari guru kt SaHor (SainsJohor) n' sebilangan batchmates Experiment5 tlah trun pdg ari tue ntuk jmpe ckgu sblum smbung studi.
pd ari tu,
ak kne amek test jpj lak.
x terdaya lah ak menjejakkn kaki kt kluang tue.

pengorbanan tersebut berbaloi
ak berjaya pas test tue wif flyin col0urs.

19 mei 2009-Selasa
pd arinie, ak bertolak ke cheras ntuk memulakan idupku yg bru.

bru la sgt.
ak kne duk ngn mak ak kt cheras for another month
sbb my dad yg duk kt muar hve to go on a 3-month course in melaka~
ak kne la jdik ak bodo kt cheras nie.
ye la, sbb xtaw nk wat pe n' nk g memne~

long story short,
spanjang seminggu d cnie,
akhirnya dpt gak merasa gne enset yg ad skrin berKALER beb!!
ye la.
ak x mampu nk beli2 enset gnie.
so, bile dh dpt,
jakun mmg x terkte.
and also ak dh dpt surat mara,
thnx to my dad yg sgt2 eager nk g amek surat tue kt kolumpo nie~
ak dh setel cm2 bnde yg die nk.
med-checkup, copies of important docs.
skang tggl nk wat bank2 stuffs je.
thnx god~
smlm g klinik.
klinik salleh kt bandar tun razak yg amat2 cozy
doctor yg chill-out + good clinic environment = GOOD SERVICE
sisa-sisa tinggalan nasi paprik yg udah ditelan oleh sekor makhluk yg kebuluran~
think dat's all je kowt.
k la.
dear bloggers n' bloggers,
hve a nice week!
pada ari nie, ad sambutan ari guru kt SaHor (SainsJohor) n' sebilangan batchmates Experiment5 tlah trun pdg ari tue ntuk jmpe ckgu sblum smbung studi.
pd ari tu,
ak kne amek test jpj lak.
x terdaya lah ak menjejakkn kaki kt kluang tue.
pengorbanan tersebut berbaloi
ak berjaya pas test tue wif flyin col0urs.
19 mei 2009-Selasa
pd arinie, ak bertolak ke cheras ntuk memulakan idupku yg bru.
bru la sgt.
ak kne duk ngn mak ak kt cheras for another month
sbb my dad yg duk kt muar hve to go on a 3-month course in melaka~
ak kne la jdik ak bodo kt cheras nie.
ye la, sbb xtaw nk wat pe n' nk g memne~
long story short,
spanjang seminggu d cnie,
akhirnya dpt gak merasa gne enset yg ad skrin berKALER beb!!
ye la.
ak x mampu nk beli2 enset gnie.
so, bile dh dpt,
jakun mmg x terkte.
and also ak dh dpt surat mara,
thnx to my dad yg sgt2 eager nk g amek surat tue kt kolumpo nie~
ak dh setel cm2 bnde yg die nk.
med-checkup, copies of important docs.
skang tggl nk wat bank2 stuffs je.
thnx god~
smlm g klinik.
k la.
dear bloggers n' bloggers,
hve a nice week!
sok pagi la.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
the wait was worth it.
dlm ak siap2 nk g uia,
ak still hve to check mara.
dpt taw lak ttbe dak2 nie ad yg dh confirm result interview dorg~
ak nie ngan cuak nyer cbe mencari link ntuk check result tue.
sabor je la.
kt official web mara xde ckp pape.
terpakse mntk link ngn dak2 nie.
dh dpt link,
page cannot be found plak~

ak pn frust n' dh mls nk lyn page yg asyik ckp "page not found"
then, i decided that i'll wait until after da friday prayer~
dpt gak check n' it turned out well.

xtaw bile nk kne g sne.
harapnyer ley r ak struggle spt yg ak xpenah wat lgsung kt skool dlu~

so from now on,
spe2 yg dpt g wat IB kt KMB,
jmpe korg di sne yea!
minna yoroshiku~
p/s: sowi ea dak2 experiment5, xdpt r nk dtg skola isnin nie.ak ade test jpj r on dat day~gomen ne..sbnrnye ak nk sgt g....nk jmpe one last tyme b4 smbung study n' be bz~
dlm ak siap2 nk g uia,
ak still hve to check mara.
dpt taw lak ttbe dak2 nie ad yg dh confirm result interview dorg~
ak nie ngan cuak nyer cbe mencari link ntuk check result tue.
sabor je la.
kt official web mara xde ckp pape.
terpakse mntk link ngn dak2 nie.
dh dpt link,
page cannot be found plak~
ak pn frust n' dh mls nk lyn page yg asyik ckp "page not found"
then, i decided that i'll wait until after da friday prayer~
dpt gak check n' it turned out well.

xtaw bile nk kne g sne.
harapnyer ley r ak struggle spt yg ak xpenah wat lgsung kt skool dlu~
so from now on,
spe2 yg dpt g wat IB kt KMB,
jmpe korg di sne yea!
minna yoroshiku~
p/s: sowi ea dak2 experiment5, xdpt r nk dtg skola isnin nie.ak ade test jpj r on dat day~gomen ne..sbnrnye ak nk sgt g....nk jmpe one last tyme b4 smbung study n' be bz~
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
the start of something new.
sumhow tjuk post arini cm ade klise sket ngn cite HSM.
yg xpenah tgk, wat bodo je ngn pe yg ak merepek ni~
"well. tomorrow's the day for some of us to make another step in our never ending journey. start over on a fairly blank page to make space for many things that are very much peculiar to our usual nature. it's already time for those who wants to strive for their future or maybe, just be.....great in their own unique way. for them, i give my words of encouragement as that's the only positive moral support that i'm capable of giving. good luck, everyone."
that's my alter ego doing all the talking.
don't bother wif da english.
getting a bit rusty nowadays~
actuali nk ckp sket jek~
ak sgt2 wish korg gud luck k
in anythin yg korg sdg/bakal/akan wat
slps tamatnyer cuti 5 bulan korg nie.
bru besh sket kowt~
jgn la nk gile wat keje last minute.
tobat2 xmo wat dh.(tp kdg2 wat jgk.haha)
moga2 korg dpt jdik pe yg korg nk n' pegi blajo kt mne yg korg mau.
buruk bebenor rupenyer kalo gtu.
it's not like if it's already the end of the world.
mayb rezeki korg bukn skang.
tu je kowt reason yg plg logik kt palaotak ak
ak taw
kwn2 ak nie
sume hebat2!
to evry1,
juz wanna say thnx
eventhough korg x penah nk brape prasan ak
ak pn kt skola tue dlu
bukn mesra alam sgt~
kalo ak kne kidnap pn bukn ad org prasan pn.
kn, kn, kn???
dh r.
slamat malam.
gud nyte.
guten nacht.
잘 자.
ليلة جيّدة.

p/s: nie fwenship card from ajiz a.k.a apple damein. thnx yg amat ea~

sumhow tjuk post arini cm ade klise sket ngn cite HSM.
yg xpenah tgk, wat bodo je ngn pe yg ak merepek ni~
"well. tomorrow's the day for some of us to make another step in our never ending journey. start over on a fairly blank page to make space for many things that are very much peculiar to our usual nature. it's already time for those who wants to strive for their future or maybe, just be.....great in their own unique way. for them, i give my words of encouragement as that's the only positive moral support that i'm capable of giving. good luck, everyone."
that's my alter ego doing all the talking.
don't bother wif da english.
getting a bit rusty nowadays~
actuali nk ckp sket jek~
ak sgt2 wish korg gud luck k
in anythin yg korg sdg/bakal/akan wat
slps tamatnyer cuti 5 bulan korg nie.
- yg g matrik sok, kalo jmpe dak2 skola, lgi bgos wat2 x knal.
bru besh sket kowt~
- yg g wat asasi/maktab/dll.
jgn la nk gile wat keje last minute.
tobat2 xmo wat dh.(tp kdg2 wat jgk.haha)
- yg dpt jpa/utp/petronas/tnb/dll.
moga2 korg dpt jdik pe yg korg nk n' pegi blajo kt mne yg korg mau.
- yg xdpt pape scholar,
buruk bebenor rupenyer kalo gtu.
it's not like if it's already the end of the world.
mayb rezeki korg bukn skang.
tu je kowt reason yg plg logik kt palaotak ak
ak taw
kwn2 ak nie
sume hebat2!
to evry1,
juz wanna say thnx
eventhough korg x penah nk brape prasan ak
ak pn kt skola tue dlu
bukn mesra alam sgt~
kalo ak kne kidnap pn bukn ad org prasan pn.
kn, kn, kn???
dh r.
slamat malam.
gud nyte.
guten nacht.
잘 자.
ليلة جيّدة.
p/s: nie fwenship card from ajiz a.k.a apple damein. thnx yg amat ea~

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
boleh diam x?diam.diam. eh,eh, diam.
thnx to ikhwan.
die wat ak terbukk link die.
tgk r budk utara nie.
cute yg amat~
die wat ak terbukk link die.
tgk r budk utara nie.
cute yg amat~
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
to what extent that our helping hand can reach?
penah x korg rse.
n' sume2 ..less yg -ive tue.
more often than not,
casually sum1 said sumthing
to u,
bout how they're feeling today.
it's gud if it shows dat they r happy.
if those feeling r translated into sad + gloomy + crying feelings,
it's hard to think up proper word to be said to him/her.
a single slip of unnecessary word
would just make it even worse.
like putting a catalyst of CuSO4 into a mixture of NaO.
(ntah btol ke x nie~)
lyfe is juz

n' sume2 ..less yg -ive tue.
more often than not,
casually sum1 said sumthing
to u,
bout how they're feeling today.
it's gud if it shows dat they r happy.
if those feeling r translated into sad + gloomy + crying feelings,
it's hard to think up proper word to be said to him/her.
a single slip of unnecessary word
would just make it even worse.
like putting a catalyst of CuSO4 into a mixture of NaO.
(ntah btol ke x nie~)
lyfe is juz
Monday, May 4, 2009
have u ever eaten a donut hole?
takkan aku melampiaskan nafsu materialistik
di atas muka bumi ini.
aku seharusnya melihat jauh dengan pancaindera hati,
bukan hanya sekadar dengan mata yg nampak tapi tetap buta.
tanah yang wujud ini
telah lama kusedari
ianya hanya sementara.
masih aku mampu melahirkan rasa kecewa
oleh sebab perlakuanku ini
yg seakan-akan
tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat ILAHI.
berikanlah aku peluang sekali lagi.
dalam pencarian makna hidup yg lebih bererti.
dalam melalui onak duri hidup ini.
dalam merentasi ranjau yang tidak lekang dengan pancaroba.
aku kian hari
hanya mampu
dengan penuh rasa rendah diri.
tatkala kitab berhabukku yg kubuka
tiap baris yang kubaca
tiap huruf yang ku berikan makna.
kian dipenuhi
Kamu(umat Islam) adalah umat yang terbaik dilahirkan untuk manusia,
(kerana kamu)menyeru berbuat yang makruf dan mencegah
dari yang mungkar dan beriman kepada Allah. (03:110)

di atas muka bumi ini.
aku seharusnya melihat jauh dengan pancaindera hati,
bukan hanya sekadar dengan mata yg nampak tapi tetap buta.
tanah yang wujud ini
telah lama kusedari
ianya hanya sementara.
masih aku mampu melahirkan rasa kecewa
oleh sebab perlakuanku ini
yg seakan-akan
tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat ILAHI.
berikanlah aku peluang sekali lagi.
dalam pencarian makna hidup yg lebih bererti.
dalam melalui onak duri hidup ini.
dalam merentasi ranjau yang tidak lekang dengan pancaroba.
aku kian hari
hanya mampu
dengan penuh rasa rendah diri.
tatkala kitab berhabukku yg kubuka
tiap baris yang kubaca
tiap huruf yang ku berikan makna.
kian dipenuhi
Kamu(umat Islam) adalah umat yang terbaik dilahirkan untuk manusia,
(kerana kamu)menyeru berbuat yang makruf dan mencegah
dari yang mungkar dan beriman kepada Allah. (03:110)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Newton's FIRST Law of Motion.
Newton's first law of motion is often stated as:
"An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

npe lak ttbe ak msuk bab2 physics lak nie kn~
musti korg plek.
law nie ad sket kaitan r ngn ak.
as u all might alredi know,
mcm2 result ntuk enrol kt pusat pngajian tnggi kn dh kuar.
xkire r UPU or Matriks.
dlm2 ke-xcited-an ak nk smbung blaja,
ttbe lak rse cm brat ati nk tnggl umh nie.
dono r.
mayb sbb ak bru dpt fully duk umh bout one month jek.
dh r bnyk bazir mse kt plkn tue.

n' ak sendirik pn cm x caye
cm rse skjp jek ak dpt duk umh nie.
dh kne g kuar blk.
tp xpe.
nie bnde yg baek.
g menuntut ilmu.
bnyk pahala.
kne btolkn setting kt dlm kpala nie.
setting ke mode "study + lyfe bru".
yg pnting skang,
nk kne smbung blk perjlnan ak yg dh lme sgt berenti rehat kt R&R nie.

- duk umh slame sebulan straight = mls yg AMAT2! = larger mass = bigger inertia -
"An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."
npe lak ttbe ak msuk bab2 physics lak nie kn~
musti korg plek.
law nie ad sket kaitan r ngn ak.
as u all might alredi know,
mcm2 result ntuk enrol kt pusat pngajian tnggi kn dh kuar.
xkire r UPU or Matriks.
dlm2 ke-xcited-an ak nk smbung blaja,
ttbe lak rse cm brat ati nk tnggl umh nie.
dono r.
mayb sbb ak bru dpt fully duk umh bout one month jek.
dh r bnyk bazir mse kt plkn tue.
n' ak sendirik pn cm x caye
cm rse skjp jek ak dpt duk umh nie.
dh kne g kuar blk.
tp xpe.
nie bnde yg baek.
g menuntut ilmu.
bnyk pahala.
kne btolkn setting kt dlm kpala nie.
setting ke mode "study + lyfe bru".
yg pnting skang,
nk kne smbung blk perjlnan ak yg dh lme sgt berenti rehat kt R&R nie.
- duk umh slame sebulan straight = mls yg AMAT2! = larger mass = bigger inertia -
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