-presentation agama
-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire
-bio notes
-chem handbook calculations
-ITGS assgnment
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo
-bio DCP handbook
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE
-TOK (read)
-english essay
-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire
-bio notes
-chem handbook calculations
-ITGS assgnment
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo
-bio DCP handbook
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE
-TOK (read)
-english essay
da last couple f weeks has been quite......normal mayb
as i go about my normal routine of lyfe in kmb.
nuthin special/unique/bizarre happened.
bosan gk actuali.
but being there...x buhsan kowt
bile being in company of a few more outrageous personas
lyke hauzan, pak abu n' the others.
kalo anda x mampu menangani mereka2 nie,
maka anda x lyk duk kt klas m09t yg gile.
seyesly.and i RELI mean it.
we tend to do things in a very....different way
compared other classes.
dun' believe me?
ask da teachers themselves~
they'll agree...well,mayb~
hahaha XD
so far.
kt KMB,
we've alredi had
-merdeka celebrations
(my frens participated in one of da competitions and won. lol XP )
-UNIfair by overseas students which helped us in sum ways
-graduation for our xcellent super seniors
but now for da upcoming weeks.
-sports carnival (sumhw mengingatkn ak kt KOT sains johor dlu2~)
-KASUKMA (sadly basketbal xde.wat a bummer~ T_T )
-merdeka celebration 4 KM/KPM in KMB (nk volunteer x?kalo volunteer, kne potong cuti.
snggupkh anda? haha XP)
-and stuffs to fill da Ramadhan months (ye r, xkn nk duduk2 je bulan pose nie, kne xtive sket~)
and not ot 4get,
sdg kite2 nie ad klas,
akn bermule acara pencalonan
utk pilihanraya MPP KMB.
wahahaha.musti best t tgk dak2 nie berkempen+bwat pakatan rakyat.
lol XD
wif dat.
ak chow lu.

agak la sengalnyer ayat ko yg awal2 tu ye..
xpe, if ko ase ko teruk, aku lg teruk okayyy... ;)
ceeeeeeehhhh.kunun r.ak truk tp ko xtaw ag cne an.hahaha XD
majulah kolej dgn hw!
uyeah~tpat skali wahai sedara IBku!
pak abu ex student sekola kiter tau x??
ak rse k sdg berckp psl pak abu yg len...tp xpe r~ XP
ni ape, ngumpat2 bln pose yg mulia ni?
berdose tau! buat je la homework tu, byk songey plak die!
no kolej = no hworks..
so.. mari rmai2 extend cuti smpai raya~~
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