di cnie ingin ak nyatakan yg ak sdg "
SERONOK" berlepak2 di rumah. hal ini demikian adalah kerana ak sdg cuti mid-sem aka cuti awal Ramadan. sbg
dak IB xpn any bdak kolej/skola,
hwk yg bnyk tlah berjaye dicompilekn oleh
ckgu2 kami yg penyayang utk mengelak kami2 ini dri melupakan kolej kami yg tercinta. yg tersebbut tu x masuk skali kalo anda ad keje2 yg tertunggak n' postpone yg hnya akn membuatkn anda rse nk ketuk kpala kt dinding smpy kpala anda mengeluarkn bendalir2 likat yg berwarna putih diiringi dgn aliran erythrocytes yg deras. dan seperti yg korg sume dh agk/lalui/taw, ak x wat pape ag.eh.buk, bukn. ak ad r sentuh sket.
AT LEAST sentuh sket.nk siap tu, tggu habes sem r kowt bru siap.hahahaha XD
-presentation agama
-sinopsis Trem Bernama Desire
-bio notes
-chem handbook calculations
-ITGS assgnment
-Pure Math assignmet + workpoo
-bio DCP handbook
-amidosulphuric lab DCP & CE
-TOK (read)
-english essay
da last couple f weeks has been quite......normal mayb
as i go about my normal routine of lyfe in kmb.
nuthin special/unique/bizarre happened.
bosan gk actuali.
but being there...x buhsan kowt
bile being in company of a few more outrageous personas
lyke hauzan, pak abu n' the others.
kalo anda x mampu menangani mereka2 nie,
maka anda x lyk duk kt klas m09t yg gile.
seyesly.and i RELI mean it.
we tend to do things in a very....
different way
compared other classes.
dun' believe me?
ask da teachers themselves~
they'll agree...well,mayb~
hahaha XD
so far.
kt KMB,
we've alredi had
merdeka celebrations (my frens participated in one of da competitions and won. lol XP )
UNIfair by overseas students which helped us in sum ways
graduation for our xcellent super seniors
but now for da upcoming weeks.
sports carnival (sumhw mengingatkn ak kt KOT sains johor dlu2~)
KASUKMA (sadly basketbal xde.wat a bummer~ T_T )
merdeka celebration 4 KM/KPM in KMB (nk volunteer x?kalo volunteer, kne potong cuti.
snggupkh anda? haha XP)
-and stuffs to fill da Ramadhan months (ye r, xkn nk duduk2 je bulan pose nie, kne xtive sket~)
and not ot 4get,
sdg kite2 nie ad klas,
akn bermule acara pencalonan
utk pilihanraya MPP KMB.
wahahaha.musti best t tgk dak2 nie berkempen+bwat pakatan rakyat.
lol XD
wif dat.
ak chow lu.
